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Every Day Spirit Blog Posts

Mary Davis
Oct 9, 2017
I Am Not My Breasts
Decked out in their finest, Mom and Dad were on their way down Route A1A in Florida to an anniversary party at an elegant yacht club....

Mary Davis
Oct 2, 2017
Love Is Who We Are
I have long held on to the belief that we live in a benevolent universe where the power of good far outweighs the power of evil. In the...

Mary Davis
Sep 4, 2017
My Manager and the God Box
My mother, who we affectionately call "Tiny Guru" for her small stature and great spirit, takes pride in being my manager. There’s...

Mary Davis
Aug 28, 2017
Kindness and the Skunk
A few days ago from the writing window a rustling caught my eye. Heading straight for me was a large, limping skunk with a very puffy...

Mary Davis
Aug 21, 2017
Starting Over with the Sunrise
This morning I wrap in a blanket and pad out the back door to be with the sunrise.
The early birds begin in the dark with tentative melodie

Mary Davis
Aug 7, 2017
Faith and the Comet
Tiny pieces of the tail of a comet grazed my house last night. Yours too. They may as well have landed on the roof. Fiery, wish-worthy,...
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