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Writer's pictureMary Davis

7 Free Inspirational Wallpapers

Hello my friends.

Is it just me or does it sometimes feel like we're living in the middle of a big stress bomb?

I know, you rely on me to be sunny, so what kind of way is that to start a blog post? Stay with me. The clouds part with a rainbow at the end...

Back to the stress bomb.

I do a lot of meditating, I don't dwell a lot on social media and I don't own a TV. In general, I'm pretty chill. But as I was scanning the news headlines on my phone this morning, I got a wave of sea sickness.

I wanted to escape, to jump overboard, but where can we go to get away from this? How do we hide from the scary negativity storm?

Suffering seems to be on the wind as well. Losses, illnesses, dark nights of the soul. My prayer list for others is bursting at the seams. My God Box top is popping off.

Overwhelm at its finest.

I'm thinking that you might be sailing the rocky seas too.

And to answer the question of where can we go to get away from the stress - no, it's not on vacation.

We go within.

We notice the misalignment and we stop and feel it. And when we are ready for a more loving feeling, we use the tools of our spiritual practice.

So, first of all, let's take a collective exhale and get rid of as much as we can through the breath.

Inhale peace. Exhale stress. Inhale calm. Exhale worry. Repeat. A lot.

I'll wait.

In past blog posts, we've covered lots of short, simple stress busters. To dive deeper into soul nourishment, you can check out A Moment of Peace, Affirmations for Inner Peace, and 14 Steps to Calm.

For today, I have attached 7 quotes that I found in the Every Day Spirit Lock Screens wallpaper app with the thought of lifting our spirits and soothing our souls.

You should be able to click on these images, save them to your phone and use them as your wallpaper. Yes, for free. Go take them. We need them.

Then maybe we can remember, each of the thousand times we open our phones today, that things outside the heart are always magnified by what is within.

That when we seek beauty and express gratitude, we find beauty and abundant blessings.

That when we release what is not serving us, we make room for what is.

That when are kind, we plant seeds of future kindness.

That miracles happen all the time, all around us, when we are awake enough to see them.

That when we love ourselves without judgment, we have less need to judge others, and we can do small things with great love.

Small things. Great love. Let's make that our goal today.

Let's connect with the love within and spread it out into the world.

That feels much better. And it was right here all along.

Goodbye stress bomb.

We can do this.


1. Small Things Great Love

2. Today I Choose Calm

3. Believe In Yourself

4. The More Grateful I Am

5. Release and Make Room

6. Just Be Kind

7. One Miracle at a Time

If you need more, you can find all 980 wallpapers in the app right here.

Go out into the world and do small things with great love, my friends.

It's who we are.

Blessings, Mary xo

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