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Writer's pictureMary Davis

Archangel Prayers

Archangels are radiant, supernatural beings in the higher realm of angels.

They are messengers from God, delivering important signs, symbols and guidance when we are open to receiving them.

Some of the most celebrated of the archangels are Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael.

In a recent post, we talked about connecting with our Guardian Angels and of their constant presence in our daily lives. Their unconditional love and guidance supports us in countless ways.

Archangels can communicate with us on the earthly plane as well, to assist us in meeting the challenges of our lives, and also in deepening our spirituality and helping us embody greater love, compassion and peace.

A few years ago, after a series of loving communications with Archangel Michael, I felt a strong pull to learn more about the archangels and to create prayers that would invoke their assistance.

With the help of my fellow angel lover and earthly mom, we gathered a mountain of our angel books on her dining room table.

We took notes from the books plus a host of websites, and spent several days comparing information on each of the archangels, finding common attributes between authors.

The prayers below are the result of the Archangel Project and can be used at any time of need.

The archangels are extensions of Divine Love, sent by God to assist us. We are not praying to them as much as through them.

Remember to request assistance in alignment with the highest good of all and to be open to creative solutions.

Archangel Prayers:

Dear Archangel Michael (name means: Who Is as God),

Please defend, protect and guide me today.

Assist me in each decision, great and small.

Cleanse me of darkness and negativity, and keep me safe from harm.

Lift the walls of doubt, fear and worries, filling me with strength, peace and divine wisdom.

Remind me of my worthiness as a spiritual being and of my soul’s constant connection with God. Amen.

Dear Archangel Gabriel (name means: Strength of God),

Please open my heart to messages of spiritual insight.

Help me to clearly express my truth with kindness and love.

Open me to creatively use this day in alignment with my Divine purpose.

Assist me in overcoming fear.

Fill me with strength, love and grace.

Guide me through changes in my life. Amen.

Dear Archangel Uriel (name means: Fire of God),

Please light the fires of illumination, and facilitate any necessary transformation and rebirth in me.

Assist me in realizing my goals and aspirations.

Impart ideas and insights that light my way today.

Guide me in unlimited possibilities, so I might be used by Divine will for the highest good of all. Amen.

Dear Archangel Raphael (name means: Healer of God),

Please bring to me the Divine light of complete healing—physically, mentally and emotionally.

Assist me in opening my heart to unlimited faith so I may be restored to my spiritual wholeness.

Help me to activate my own healing and creative energies.

Shine healing grace on all humans, plants and animals, and to our beautiful planet earth. Amen.


In The World:

  • In your morning spiritual practice ask for assistance from the archangels. Notice which ones resonate most strongly with you. Open to their input in all manner of decisions and requests for support today.

In The Heart:

  • I am always guided and guarded by the Divine presence of angels. They assist me in releasing my fears to the power of love.


Angel painting by Karen Tarlton.

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