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Today's Grace

One of my writing heroes, Sarah Ban Breathnach, writes in her daybook Simple Abundance, that she has never been turned down when asking for her daily portion of grace.

She asks each day, with a heart of gratitude, and grace is always delivered on joyful wings - in surprising and unexpected ways.

We, too, can ask for our daily portion of grace. It's a simple thing really. We take a quiet seat. We calm our noisy thoughts. We focus on radiant Divine Love. And we start talking.

We can all do this - and we don't have to take another step without it.

Let's take a moment to remember that there is a portion of grace with our name on it, allotted for this very day.

And now is a perfect time to surrender and open to the infinite possibilities of flowing with grace.

Today’s grace is already here and we have been generously provided for. In all we do today, we will have a bountiful helping of grace.

Today’s grace only asks that we love ourselves enough to open to it. That we soften the angular edges of our plans for today and reimagine the day as a benevolent road with choices and chances.

Today’s grace is all that we need to experience beauty and love. It is all we need to mobilize the strength to do the hard things. It is all we need to give thanks for whatever arises and to meet life with an open heart.

Today’s grace flows toward ease. Like energy, it will channel us to the path of least resistance, so we may accomplish our tasks with enthusiasm and synchronicity.

Today’s grace is all we need for all we need to do. Gentle up. Some things might flow smoother tomorrow, or if we had the assistance of someone else.

Today’s grace works well with laughter and a light heart. It points the way with flexibility and surrender. It revels in our joy.

Today’s grace is already here and there’s always enough.


In The World:

  • Open, allow and welcome the lightness of flowing with grace. Trust that today’s grace will lift you in small acts of tea and big acts in the boardroom, in the classroom or with the kids. Remember it’s here for you, in every moment.

In The Heart:

  • I am surrounded and cushioned by the gift of grace. In all I do today, I flow with ease and a light heart.

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