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Writer's pictureMary Davis

Holding Space for Grace

Hello my loves.

Today I have a few thoughts and a soulful practice to share as we stop for a moment to nourish our spirits.

It feels to me as if the words are asking to be used sparingly.

Simply. Tenderly.

It seems there's a great wealth of oversharing, when in truth, we are all in need of less words and more contemplation, silence, and inner peace.

Are you feeling that too?

I'm hearing a collective cry for a moment of resounding quiet.

It's a good time to stop doing the things that keep us from hearing the soft voice of the heart.

It's a good time to stop doing the things that keep us distracted from our spiritual awakenings.

It's a good time to stop replying to divisive posts, to stop watching what hurts our hearts, to stop doomsday scrolling and giving away the priceless gift of our attention.

It's a good time to refuse the normalization of meanness, division, racism and untruth.

It's a good time to pass up anything that's not in alignment with love.

It's a good time to stop.

And hold space for where we're going.

To hold space for grace.


I have a new practice for these new times.

It has shifted my fear into love, my worries into hope, my anxiety into grounding.

Every day, I sit quietly and I hold space for love.

I hold space for the highest possible outcomes.

I see them in my mind’s eye.

I wait in silence for my imagination to envision a more loving world.

I pour love over the earth and see love rising up.

I hold space for harmony and wholeness.

I hold space for kindness and humility.

I hold space for peace and compassion.

I hold space for healing hearts.

I hold space for grace.

I hold space for ever expanding good on earth.

I welcome a smile of gratitude and joy for such beauty.

I seal it with a prayer: God bless our world with love and peace.

And repeat it when worries creep in. And in the middle of the night when sleep alludes me. And in the sunrise morning when hope shines in.


There are so many souls working for love.

Remember that. You're not alone.

Take heart.

Your thoughts matter. Your love matters.

Today, let's pool our great love in a deep and endless well.

Let’s envision ever expanding good.

Let's hold space for grace and healing.

Let's anchor to the light while we do the hard work of building a more loving world.

We've got this. One miracle at a time. Really we do.

If we could lift up off the earth and see as the angels see, all we would see is the light of our love.

That's who we are. And that's where we're going.

Blessings, Mary xo

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